For sustainable investment fund recommendations, Nordea Node relies on the UN principles for responsible Investment. The framework is based on so-called exclusion whereby fund management companies may not invest in specific sectors. In the table below, we have compiled the sectors which are excluded by the fund management companies based on the UN guidelines.
| Activity
| Rule
| Extraction of oil, coal, and gas
| Fund excludes companies involved in the extraction of oil, coal, and gas
| Fossil fuel electricity producers
| Fund excludes companies that produce electricity based on fossil fuels
| Weapons
| Fund excludes companies with ties to nuclear weapons, cluster bombs, landmines, chemical and biological weapons
| Firearms
| Fund excludes companies deriving 5% or more revenue from firearms
| Tobacco
| Fund excludes companies classified as tobacco companies or deriving 5% or more revenue from tobacco products
| Alcohol
| Fund excludes companies deriving 5% or more revenue from alcohol
| Gambling
| Fund excludes companies deriving 5% or more revenue from gambling
| Pornography
| Fund excludes companies deriving 5% or more revenue from pornography
G | International standards and conventions
| Fund excludes companies that violate international standards and conventions